From research to application. Where are we going?


  • Fernando Echeverri Instituto de Química, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia



Research and developments, Natural products, Limits, Natural color, Crop protection, Leishmanicide drug


The chemistry of natural products offers a wide range of scientific and industrial possibilities. However, while its important role in the generation of new medicines is recognized, from the practical point of view, the investment/results ratio does not seem to be entirely favorable, despite to what is sometimes thought. If the amount of researchers, equipment, money, and time is considered as an investment to exploring natural products and then this amount is compared to the number of products in the market, it is clear that the chances of success are very low and at a high cost. However, a single success covers previous failures given the high incomes produced by a new drug on the market and long times of shelf life. Similarly, basic research (structures, biosynthesis, biochemistry, ecological relationships, biological activities) also represents a high intangible cost, but its usefulness is more typical to the academy. This conference explores the scientific, technical, economic, and research constraints that prevent a greater number of successes in the research and development of bioactive natural products. Similarly, several non-medicinal cases of the author are presented in the exploration of appropriable industrial products or close to it.





How to Cite

Echeverri, F. (2020). From research to application. Where are we going?. Medical Plant Communications, 3(2), 17-21.



Short Communications